How To Join Our Congregation

There is really only one requirement for membership:  accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

First Presbyterian Church is a regional fellowship with a diversity of views and commitments united by our belief in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. We seek to minister with acceptance and love to each other and to the larger community around us. We worship God, learn and teach the Christian faith, and provide opportunities for nurture, fellowship, prayer and service. The incarnation of God in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives to the church not only its mission but also its understanding of membership. One becomes an active member of the church through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and acceptance of his Lordship in all of life. Baptism and a public profession of faith in Jesus as Lord are the visible signs of entrance into the active membership of the church. We welcome all who respond in trust and obedience to God's grace in Jesus Christ. 

No one will be denied membership because of race, ethnic origin, worldly condition, or any other reason not related to profession of faith. If you feel called into the life and ministry of this church, you may become a member of our congregation by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or transfer of church letter. 

How To Become a Member of First Presbyterian

If you desire to join this church in our worship, work, and witness please contact  the pastor, or indicate in attendance pads in the pews on Sunday morning. You may join First Presbyterian by: 

Profession of Faith: You would like to publicly acknowledge your dependence on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you have never been baptized we will also schedule this celebration. 

Transfer of your church membership: You are already a member of another Christian Church and would like your membership transferred to First Presbyterian Church. Baptized children or youth who have not been through Confirmation are received as baptized members. 

Reaffirmation of Faith: You have previously professed faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but would like to reaffirm that commitment in the presence of the leadership of this congregation. 

Our pastor would be delighted to discuss your questions and assist you on your faith journey.