Presbyterian Resources

  • Presbyterian Church (USA) — also regularly referred to as the PC(USA), our denominational website. Discover more of what we are about, what we believe, and what we are doing in the world.
  • PC(USA) News Service — Subscribe now to receive current denominational news right to your email inbox! A great way to keep up.
  • The Presbyterian Outlook — an independent publication devoted to the promotion of free discussion of issues confronting the PC(USA).
  • Presbyterians Today — an award winning monthly magazine about all things Presbyterian, published by the PC(USA).
  • Synod of the Lincoln Trails — comprised of seven presbyteries spanning the states of Indiana and Illinois
  • The Presbytery of Wabash Valley — the website for our regional council that covers northern Indiana.
  • The Book of Confessions of the PC(USA)  a downloadable version of part I of our denomination’s constitution with statements of Christian faith through various times, in various places, and in response to various circumstances.
  • The Book of Order of the PC(USA)  a downloadable version of part II of our denomination’s constitution, outlining the order and structure of our governance.
  • The PC(USA) Seal — an explanation of all the symbology in the great seal of the PC(USA),
  • Covenant Network of Presbyterians — a network of Presbyterians working to to strengthen the church of Jesus Christ, with the help of God’s grace, through the further inclusion of LGBTQ persons, and by working for the unity of the PC(USA).
  • National Council of Churches USA — Since its founding in 1950, the NCC has been the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States. The NCC’s member faith groups—from a wide spectrum of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, historic African American and Living Peace churches—include 45 million persons in more than 100,000 local congregations in communities across the nation.
  • World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) — a fellowship of 75 million Reformed Christians in 214 churches in 107 countries. Its member churches are Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed and United churches with roots in the 16th-century Reformation led by John Calvin, John Knox and others. WARC has a small secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.

Related to Prayer, Scripture and the Lectionary:

Related to Communities of Prayer and Social Justice:

  • The Taizé Community — made up of over a hundred brothers, Catholics and from various Protestant backgrounds, coming from around thirty nations. By its very existence, the community is a “parable of community” that wants its life to be a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.
  • The Iona Community — founded in Glasgow and Iona in 1938 by George MacLeod, minister, visionary and prophetic witness for peace, in the context of the poverty and despair of the Depression. Iona is a tiny and beautiful Hebridean island off the west coast of Scotland, cradle of Christianity in Scotland, where in 563AD the Irish monk Columba (Columkille) established a monastic settlement. Today Iona remains a center for pilgrimage and tourism; the daily services of the Iona Community in the Abbey church and worship elsewhere on the island are open to all; many visitors come again and again.

Social Justice & Peacemaking:

  • Frontera de Cristo — Frontera de Cristo is a Presbyterian border ministry located in the sister cities of Agua Prieta, Sonora and Douglas, Arizona.
  • Humane Borders — Humane Borders, motivated by faith, offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through the deployment of emergency water stations on routes known to be used by migrants coming north through our desert.
  • The Center for Progressive Christianity — reaching out to those for whom organized religion has proved ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive, as well as to those who have given up on or are unacquainted with it.